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Broken Heart 7.5 - The Adventures of Zombie Larry Page 4

Linda leaned against the counter and looked at the gem. “I bet she ate every one of those truffles, too.”

  “Jessica does love her chocolate.”

  “And I love you.”

  That got his attention. He turned toward and grasped her hand. He wasn’t the romance-novel type of vampire. Even the change hadn’t rid him completely of his basketball belly, and it certainly hadn’t given him more hair. He’d already been pale and doughy; so the Turning hadn’t much changed him there, either. She missed his glasses; she’d always thought he looked real sexy in those square black frames. He was smart. A lot smarter than her, but he never made her feel dumb. She’d been the one to Turn him, and through the whole terrible process, she could only think about how much time she’d wasted fending off his advances ’cause of her own insecurities. He’d loved her, and she’d almost lost him. But now, they had eternity together.

  “I’m surprised Jessica gave up something that made it rain chocolate.” She picked up the jewel and examined it. It was a sparkling bright orange, not a color she’d seen in a real gemstone. “It’s fake, right?”

  “Not synthetic, but I can’t find out what kind of crystal it is, either. Seems it would only grant the one wish,” said Stan.

  “Too bad,” said Linda as she rubbed the faceted edges. “If it still worked, I’d wish for an in-ground pool with a waterfall and rock landscaping. Oh! And the water would replenish itself, we’d never have clean it, and it would smell like lavender.”

  Stan blinked up at her. “If you wanted a pool, why didn’t you say so?”

  “You’ve been busy.” She gave him back the gem. “We haven’t spent much time together lately.”

  “Oh, honey.” Stan put down the orange stone and gathered his wife into his arms. “You’re more important to me than anything. If you want a pool, then by God, you’re getting a pool.”

  “C’mon,” said Linda. She kissed him very slowly. “We can go upstairs and discuss the pool.”

  As she led Stan up the staircase, the ground started to shake. They heard a boom, and then the roar of water.

  “What the hell?” she shouted. The earthquake stopped suddenly, and the two of them bolted up the stairs. They examined the house, but other than a few items bounced to the floor and an overturned hallway table, nothing seemed awry.

  She was on the second floor, checking out the bedrooms, when she heard Stan’s shout. She nearly tripped going back down the stairs. She hurried into the dining room. A row of windows allowed a view of their backyard. He was staring out the middle window, and she joined him. “What’s so…” She gasped. “Holy crap.”

  Her dream pool, with an elaborate waterfall, landscaped with rock all the way around, was there, right there, in the place where her recently mowed backyard had once been.

  She grabbed Stan’s hand and dragged him outside. They examined the rocks, sniffed the lavender-scented air, and put their hands in the warmed water.

  “It’s perfect,” she said. She tossed off her shoes and wiggled out of her jeans.

  “C’mon, baby. Let’s take a dip.”

  “No, not yet,” said Stan. “We have to test the water, and do some readings. And the gem…” He lost his train of thought as his wife undressed, all the way down to her birthday suit.

  “Or we could jump in,” said Linda, grinning. “Cannonball!” She ran and jumped into the deep end, then broke the water and waved at him. “Are you gonna stand there or join me?”

  There was only one response. Stan hurriedly divested himself of his clothes and jumped into the water. When he came up for air, Linda was waiting. She wrapped her luscious body around him and kissed him until he nearly forgot his own name.

  “Wishes really do come true,” he said.

  “Hmmm,” said Linda, her lips trailing his neck. “I have another wish… and I think you might be able to help.”

  Then she whispered into his ear.

  He smiled, and started doing his best to make his beautiful wife’s next wish come true.



  Michele Bardsley, Broken Heart 7.5 - The Adventures of Zombie Larry



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